How To Fix A Frozen Iphone - Entertainment News


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Thursday, July 28, 2016

How To Fix A Frozen Iphone

That annoying moment your iPhone stops responding to swipe, tap and stare. You try to use the home button to go back to home but nothing happens and you are like “WTF” your iPhone is frozen. No worries, this occurs in iPhones and there are super cool methods to tackle them, all you have to do is follow the below steps.iPhone-6

First Method to wake a Frozen iPhone

This method is so simple as you’ll have to force your iPhone to restart. How can you get this done? Simply press and hold the Sleep/Wake button at the top until you notice a red slider on your screen. You should go ahead to slide it to power off your device.

Second Method to wake a Frozen iPhone

If the above step doesn’t work for you, you can go ahead to give this other method a trial. Here you’ll have to reset your iPhone, you have to have no fears about losing your files as they will be intact. To get this done, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button at the top and the Home button all at the same time. Keep holding these buttons down until the Apple logo appears, then you can let go of them. Once your iPhone restarts, it should start functioning perfectly again.

Rounding Up

I think with this tutorial, you can tackle an iPhone freeze, and be rest assures that you won’t lose a file, even just one, as everything will be intact on your phone
Remember the easy steps include pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button + Home button down together till the Apple logo appears, then let go. Now your frozen iPhone is back, simple access all cool stuff you’ve left on it before the freeze.
If you encounter any issue in the process of this tutorial, do well to let us know using the comment section below.

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